Friday, 1 February 2013

Java wait, sleep, yield and notify

Learn about wait, sleep and yield in java:

Java wait and notify Example:
  • Wait and notify both are the methods of Object class.
  • Wait makes the object to wait for the given time or till it's notified.
  • Once wait is invoked, object lock is being released and other thread can work on object.
  • Both methods are called in the synchronized context.
Code Example:

public class WaitForNotification{
  public static void main(String []args) throws InterruptedException{
     Passenger psg = new Passenger();
     // In synchronized block call wait method on newly created Passenger object
       System.out.println(" Passenger is waiting for the notification.");
       System.out.println(" Passenger got notified.");

class Passenger extends Thread{
  public void run(){
       System.out.println(" Wait...........");
       // Here add code befor bus gets notified
       System.out.println("Passenger is given notification call");